目前共计 55 个标签
8421码 Automatic programming Container based virtualization Cyber-Physical System Data science Digital twin Formal software verification Health management and prognostics Industry 4.0 I²C Model updating Natural language processing Object detection RAM ROM Real-time detection Resource-efficient machine learning Safety helmet detection TIA Portal Time machine Uncertainty evaluation YOLO YOLOv5 controller to controller (C2C) data acquisition (SCADA) deep neural networks. inference machine-to-machine (M2M) programmable logic controller (PLC) supervisory control 上拉电阻 下一个令牌预测(Next Token Prediction) 下拉电阻 交叉编译 传感器和运动轨迹(Sensorimotor Trajectories) 光敏电阻 动态背景 半导体 单片机 启动U盘制作 外部中断 多模态数据(Multi-modal Data) 实时时钟 实时目标监测 总线通讯 数字电路 时钟电路 汉为开发板 电磁力 目标检测 类人机器人(Humanoid Robot) 脉宽调制 自回归Transformer(Autoregressive Transformer) 门电路 驱动电路